Saturday, June 21, 2014


Only 6 days to go till the release of Raziel's Redemption!! Here's a little teaser for you!

Alona left Raziel to change into a pair of lounge pants and t-shirt. As she dressed, her thoughts strayed to Raziel. She was already sexually frustrated and they’d only known each other for a little less than two weeks. She desperately wanted to rip his clothes off and jump his bones.

The thought surprised her. Granted, her only experience with a man had been with Elijah, but she’d never had an urge this strong before. The sexual tension between them was enough to strangle them both. Sighing, Alona walked back into the living room to find Raziel had lost his shoes and his shirt and was lying sinfully bare from the waist up on her couch holding a blanket up as invitation for her to join him.

“You look nice and comfy,” Alona commented.

Raziel grinned, “Come join me and we can be comfy together.”

Saturday, June 14, 2014


How would you like to win a Signed Copy of Raziel's Redemption???

The task is easy, the rules are simple.

1. Share my page with your friends.

2. When one of your friends likes my page, have them leave a comment with their "LIKE" number and your name as the person who referred them.

3. The person who referred the most people will win a copy of the book.

4. And don't worry if there happens to be a tie, I'm not against sending out more than one copy! 

This contest will run till June 27th, the new release day for Raziel's Redemption.

Good luck everyone!